Tuesday, April 16, 2024, 7–8:30 p.m.
Meeting will take place remotely. See details below.
This is a public meeting. All are welcome!
Facilitator: John Carr, STNA Land Use Chair
Join the Remote Meeting
You can either dial in (audio only) or join by Zoom. Any last-minute changes will be posted here too.
Click here to join
+1 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 925 7170 0654
– Zoning Workshop. Curious how you, your neighbors, your landlord, or nearby businesses are allowed to develop your/their property? Given recent changes to residential zoning in Portland (and statewide), we’ll look at what type of development is now allowed in South Tabor. Come with any address in mind. We’ll use PortlandMaps.com as a starting point, then dive deeper into the zoning code for details.
*** DISCLAIMER: We are neither land use attorneys nor representatives of the City of Portland. This workshop is a chance to meet with your fellow neighbors to try to understand the new zoning allowances. We will not be giving legal advice.
– Join the STNA Board! If you enjoy engaging with land use, transportation, and urban planning topics, there are two related STNA board positions coming up for election — Land Use Chair and SE Uplift Land Use and Transportation Representative. (I’ve served as land use chair for the previous two terms, so can’t be nominated this time around.) We’ll discuss these roles, what’s involved, and how you can learn while doing. You don’t need to be an expert on the topics by any means, just a curious and willing volunteer. There are also a couple other open seats on the board if you want to engage some other way.
– SE 59th Ave. and Woodward Visioning. PBOT is sending letters to neighbors at and near the intersection to describe their realignment concept for this intersection to support safe routes to school. It looks like they’ve narrowed in on Option 2 shown in the presentation below, with some modifications based on feedback from neighbors at our March general meeting. Here’s the project webpage with more details and contact info if you have questions.
– Land Use Notice: 3105 SE 78th Ave. (LU 23-112301 MLDP) was approved with conditions.
– Mt. Tabor Maintenance Yard project updates. I hope you’re enjoying the new path into Mt. Tabor Park at SE 64th Avenue and Division!

– Powell-Division Safety Improvements Project. Below is the most recent update from TriMet (from 3/21/24). I’ll update for April when I learn more:
- Met with City of Portland staff to discuss Inter Governmental Agreement (IGA).
- Held a series of meetings with staff from city bureaus to review and resolve comments.
- Met with ODOT and PBOT staff to review schedule and reduce permitting delays.
- Preparing to submit 60% plans to ODOT and PBOT on April 4.
– April updates from the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
As a reminder, here’s our collection of land use and transportation resources.
STNA is committed to holding open, public meetings where everyone is welcomed and respected. Please email us at info@southtabor.org if you have any questions, concerns, or need special accommodations to attend and participate in your neighborhood meetings.
Email landuse@southtabor.org if you have land use questions or suggestions for future meeting topics.
All land use committee meeting summaries are posted here: http://southtabor.org/land-use/
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