Welcome to the South Tabor Neighborhood… have a look around and see what is happening in your neighborhood.
If you live, work, or own a business or property in South Tabor, you are invited to participate in the South Tabor Neighborhood Association, STNA. Neighborhood volunteers meet together regularly to share creative ideas, make decisions, and plan projects to enhance livability in the area bordered by SE Division Street and Powell Blvd, SE 52nd and 82nd Avenues in Portland, Oregon.
South Tabor, named because it is located just South of popular Mt. Tabor Park, is home to Franklin High School, Atkinson Elementary School, a neighborhood gathering place at 61st and Clinton built by City Repair, beautiful gardens, and a Farmers Market on Division at Cafe au Play/Tabor Commons. Woodward Street, a designated Neighborhood Greenway, runs East and West the full length of the neighborhood, with a slight detour to SE Tibbetts between SE 75th and SE 80th.
The South Tabor Neighborhood Association was originally formed by parents from Kellogg, Youngson, and Atkinson elementary schools in 1972 when the Mt. Hood Freeway threatened the livability of Southeast neighborhoods. Over the years countless volunteers have given their time and energy to issues, projects, and events. Today STNA is making Division safer for pedestrians, sponsoring a Movie in the Park, organizing a neighborhood garden tour, and working together to build on the assets of this quiet mostly residential neighborhood.
STNA is a member of the SE Uplift Neighborhood Coalition which is supported by the City of Portland Office of Neighborhood Involvement, ONI. SE Uplift’s mission is to assist the citizens and neighborhood associations of Southeast Portland to create communities that are livable, socially diverse, safe and vital.
STNA holds meetings on the third Thursday of the month at 2700 SE 67th (Trinity Fellowship rear entrance) from 7 to 8:30 pm. While the proceedings are not child-focused you are welcome to bring your children. Come and meet your neighbors.
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