Bureau of Development Services staff has issued a report and recommendation to the Hearings Officer regarding the conditional use review at the St. Mark’s Church site. From the report:
Staff recommends denial due to the failure of the applicant to demonstrate to the satisfaction of BES that adequate services for storm and sanitary sewer will be available to the church site following the proposed removal of the 0.43 acre area from the north of the site. However, if the applicant is able to demonstrate to BES that sanitary sewer services are adequate prior to or at the scheduled hearing for this case on February 5, 2020, the staff recommendation would change to approval of an approximately 0.43 acre (18,604 square-foot) area from the approved boundary of the Conditional Use site for St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, subject to the following conditions. . .
At our regular monthly meeting on January 16, 2020, STNA voted to submit a letter to the case planner for consideration as he prepared this report. He addressed several of the points we raised. Specifically, he recommended conditions of approval for garbage facilities and provided more context regarding the play area and estimated on-street parking capacity.
Interestingly, as relates to questions we raised about the proposed joint use parking arrangement, he recommends a condition of approval that would not allow parking spaces on the northern part to be used by the church unless approved through a future Conditional Use review. Basically, “parking associated with a Conditional Use cannot be located on a site that does not have Conditional Use status.”
More to come. A public hearing is scheduled for February 5, 2020.
Please read the staff report for full details. And feel free to email landuse@southtabor.org with any questions.
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