7pm Welcome and Introductions
Board Members: Tina Kimmey, John Carr, Juan Cummings, Nate Canfield, Brian Haas, Sergio Chavez
Neighbors and Guests: Andria Robbins, Britt Urban, Tremaine Clayton, Gary Riddle, Jes, Ash, Babatunde, Emily McCadden, Hannah Wallace, Matthew Vickar, Mireya Medina
7:10 Presentation: Portland Street Response; Tremaine Clayton, Firefighter Paramedic and Britt Urban, Mental Health Crisis Responder
“Thanks again for having us! Follow up questions can be sent to PSRinfo@portlandoregon.gov RE: 10/21 neighborhood meeting. See you out there!
7:40 Presentation: Community Safety; Mireaya Medina, Black and Beyond Binary Collective. Links:
8:00 Board /Committee Reports;
Treasurer: balance $5875, Sauvie Island Pumpkin vendor arranged. Annual report to Oregon taken care of
Land Use-No meeting, Findley Commons Good neighbor sub-committee working.
Diversity, Welcome, Events–no report
Powell Frontage Road–Working with someone from County Commissioners office
SE Uplift LUTC–Upcoming 11/3 meeting on Historical designation process with the city.
SE Uplift–Trying to update bylaws. Next meeting 11/1.
8:15 Old business: Approve meeting minutes for August and Sept. John moves to approve Sept, Nate 2nd. Passes unanimously. John moves to approve August, 2nd by Nate. Motion passes, with abstentions.
Pop-up Pumpkin Patch: Saturday 10am to 1 pm 10/23
Tabor Yards–Park improvement construction starting soon.
8:25 New Business:
Juan moves to approve usage of the printing card for the Halloween Parade being organized by neighbors. 2nd by John. Motion passes unanimously.
Sarah: would like to see a neighborhood spring clean-up event, but also include a free exchange event.
8:30 Adjourn
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