January 20, 2022 Meeting Minutes

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STNA Board meeting January 20, 2022


7pm Welcome and Introductions

Board Members Present: Nathaniel, Juan, Tina, John, Brian, Sergio, 

Neighbors: Tracy, Nick, Sarah. 

7:10 Board /Committee Reports

Treasurer: Current balance $5968

Land Use: No land use meeting in January. 

Communications: board@southtabor.org not functioning as distribution group. Credit card for registration of website is expiring. 

Events: No updates. 

Powell Frontage Road: Meeting with Jessica Vega-Pederson, Rep. Nosse, PBOT, and neighbors from committee. Discussion about area. PBOT explained the historical context of the frontage roads. Areas were deeded back to City of Portland, but can only be used as parking lots and frontage roads. PBOT is looking at uses for frontage roads from the committee. Committee meeting on 1/19. (Notes online). Looking at options for sanctioned camping through the city of portland, initially deemed non-suitable based on criteria. 

Diversity-No updates

Welcome: No Updates

SE Uplift LUTC: No LUTC meeting in January. 

SE Uplift: Hired board administrator, open positions for SEUL. Annual small grant program is active and reviewing grants, to be approved next month. 

7:30 Old business: Approve meeting minutes for November. Juan moves to approve, second by Nate. Approved unanimously. Brian abstains. 

Findley Commons Good Neighbor Agreement (GNA): Do Good Multnomah will manage the property to house veterans. GNA was drafted between affected parties. GNA will be posted on STNA website. Nate moves to approach GNA and authorize John Carr to sign on behalf of STNA. Second by Juan. Passes unanimously. 

7:50 New Business, 

Communications conversation, parameters for google group emails: Discussion on moderation of groups.io distribution email list. Communications chair has moderator access, but it is not heavily moderated. 

In the past, there was a committee for communication. The NA used to distribute information newsletters through the STNA info boxes. 

Discussion about high school student activities at Clinton Park on the playground. More discussion next month. 

8:30 (or earlier): Adjourn

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