STNA General Meeting Agenda
May 19, 2022, 7-8:30pm
7pm Welcome and Introductions
Board members: Tina, Nate, Juan, John, Sergio.
Neighbors and guests: Tracy, Matchu (SEUL).
7:10 Board /Committee Reports
Treasurer: $6000 in the bank. Submitted annual report with DOJ C-12 form. Budget for year has been created.
Land Use–Notes post on Discussion about pedestrian improvements on Powell. Project is behind, funded in 2016 or 2017. Plans to submit testimony at the next Trimet board member. Kellogg VP to meet with board in June.
Events–Update for Yard Sale and Garden Tour in Old Business.
Powell Frontage Road
Diversity–No report out.
SE Uplift LUTC
SE Uplift–Small Grant event on Thursday, June 2nd. 3534 SE Main Street.
7:30 Old business:
- Approve meeting minutes for March & April. Tina move to approve, Juan 2nd. Approved unanimously.
- Discussion Powell Frontage Roads—210 participants in poll distributed. Overwhelmingly positive responses to proposals.
- Discussion on Clinton Park Playground Improvements–In contact with parks superintendent.
- 2022 Neighborhood Yard Sale & Garden Tour–assistance needed: connection to local businesses, contacts for making large stickers for yard signs. $130 spend on ad on FB so far. 15 households signed up so far (ahead of pace from last year). Request to flier your block.
8:00 New Business
- Elections!
- John-Land Use
- Brian-Treasurer
- Vigdis-At-Large
- Juan-Vice Chair
8:15 Adjourn
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