Join us Thursday via Zoom for the Monthly meeting. Bring ideas for community events for this year.
South Tabor NA monthly meeting
Time: Apr 15, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 3780 8381
Passcode: 537523
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,88237808381#,,,,*537523# US (Houston)
+16699009128,,88237808381#,,,,*537523# US (San Jose)
1. Welcome & introductions: 7:00pm
2. Review & approve last month’s minutes:
3. Committee reports:
Land Use, Treasurer, Events, Chair, Communications, SE Uplift, LUTC, Powell Frontage Road Committee, Diversity
4. Old Business: Elections in May, Chair & Secretary positions (vice chair position open)
5. New Business: Events for 2021
6. Adjourn: 8:30, Next meeting May 20, Land Use May 18. Zoom link will be posted at and sent out ahead of time.
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