South Tabor Neighborhood Association September 2018 Meeting Minutes
September 20, 2018, 7:01pm Start time
President Duane Hanson, Treasurer Ute Munger, Land Use Chair Marcelle Thurston, SE Uplift Land Use and Transportation Delegate John Carr, SE Uplift Delegate/ Interim secretary Tina Kimmey
Neighbors: Mary Karter, Kelly Delaney, Lila Guenther
Guest speaker: Thomas Adamson
Land Use Committee: Friends of Trees will be planting in our neighborhood Saturday, November 3rd. They are looking for volunteers with trucks and drivers. They will be planting 170 trees in South Tabor, Mt. Tabor and Montavilla. There was also a discussion regarding ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units)
Treasurer’s report: We had some expenditures for the Harvest Fest, but most of those will be reimbursable through our communications funds from SE Uplift. Straw bales, apples, ad in SE Examiner. Our current balance is $4,485.48.
Ute mentioned that we need more yard signs for Harvest Fest. Duane made a motion to spend communications funds from SEUL on for up to 20 Harvest Fest signs 2nd by Kelly. Unanimously passed.
Thomas Adamson with Defend Oregon spoke about Ballot measures 103 & 104.
There was a discussion headed by Kelly Delaney regarding the route on SE Woodward between 60th & 62nd. Part of the area that has been designated for a Safe Routes to School (which is unfunded). The Land Use committee has expressed interest in working with the neighbors along the stretch of road to improve the road and bike and pedestrian accessibility.
John moves to approve August Meeting minutes. Marcelle 2nds. Unanimous vote to approve.
Duane moves to adjourned, Kelly 2nds. Unanimous vote to adjourn, 8:32pm.
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