November 17th, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

November 17, 2016 Comments Off on November 17th, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

STNA Board Meeting Thursday, 11/17/19
By Sandra Hay Magdaleno, Edited 2/17/17, Approved 3/16/17

7:05pm – Meting called to order by Duane, President beginning with introductions.

Board Present: Duane Hanson-President, Sandra Hay Magdaleno-Secretary and Sustainability, George Kepnick-Communications

Neighbors Present: Karen, Jim Harris, Beth Trimark Connor and Mike Connor, Mary Karter, Kevin Murphy, Tina Kimmey, Kyle Jochai and Mariah Jockai and baby Harrison, Jennifer Domamski.

Land Use Committee and Sustainability Committee Report: There were only two people, Sandra and Diane present on Tuesday, 11/15/16. There was a short discussion of possible ways for greater involvement and the meeting was adjourned. No report.

Discussion followed by others preset that Portland is the most moved to least moved from city in the US. There are numerous 6 plexes and other infill activities along Division as well as the 7 Dees development, Division Design Initiative, and many other land use items. We are in great need of people to serve on the land use committee and the sustainability committee. We are looking for someone to serve on the SE Uplift board and SE Uplift Land Use as well. There is a FEMA training for individuals interested. Please contact the Land Use Committee at or the Sustainability Committee at for more information.

Treasures Report: Current balance is: $5,723.27. Paid $50 for Business Tax to State for the month of November.

No report from the Portland Police Department

To be more informed, please go to our Facebook page, NextDoor and/or the List serve. Also there is a blog called “What’s Happening Portland” for a wider range of information. Don’t forget a great place to learn about the many land use, transportation and other issues surrounding our neighborhood.

Note that RICAP – Regulatory Improvement Code Amendment Program is an ongoing and technical – land use development program. You can find out more at:

Presidents Report. Duane noted that STNA does not endorse candidates+ or issues and tries to maintain a balanced fair approach to issues that concern the neighborhood. A request from neighbors for a letter of support for marginalized communities had been brought to Duane’s attention. These came from action points developed from a Tuesday night coffee house at 72nd and division. Some from the group organized a bulk purchase of “Black Lives Matter” banners and some would be brought for distribution. They are creating a data table of organizations, people and places to work with for safe rides, decompression, etc. There was talk about hosting a “Know your Rights” through the ACLU, women’s defense classes, gun training focusing on concrete things a person can do to be safe and stand up against hate. Other concrete areas were providing refuge and supporting the refugee community, supporting cop watch, calling and emailing our legislators. It was suggested by some that people request a one year’s supply of birth control. The real focus of the discussion was on collaboration, humanity and inclusion and offering concrete access points to empower people in un-predictable moments.

Motion to Approve the October Minutes was made by Duane and seconded by Sandra. After several minutes for people to review, there were no changes and no discussion. Motion unanimously approved.

A couple people mentioned cars and break-Ins. Please do report to the police and make known on NextDoor and the so that neighbors can be on the outlook and the police have the numbers that can be used for noting patterns and key areas of problems.

Remember there are no committee meetings and there is no board meeting in December. Happy Thanksgiving, and well wishes for all the holidays between now and our January Land Use and Sustainability Meeting, Tuesday, January 17, 2017 and STNA board meeting, Thursday, January 19, 2017, both at Trinity Fellowship with entrance from parking in the back. (2700 SE 67th.)

Meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm.

Duane, Sandy and Kevin had an informal discussion regarding possible communication fund recommendations for this fiscal year from SE Uplift. Kevin will formalize and bring to the board for discussion and approval at the January meeting.

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