STNA has a new president! We welcome MaryLouise Ott, elected unanimously to a two year term. In a celebratory atmosphere, outgoing president Jonah Paisner was presented with a gift certificate in appreciation for his four years of service. Cake and ice cream was served.
Our Neighborhood Clean Up was a success. Led by coordinator Kim Hogan, volunteer coordinator Sandra Hay-Magdaleno, and Jana Throckmorton, 50 volunteers collected yard debris, metal, plastic, mixed waste, and reusable items from 100 cars & trucks passing through the lot at Trinity Fellowship on Saturday, May 28th.
Sarah Figliozzi of the PBOT 50s Bikeway Project presented an update on progress over the last few months. The latest design concept was endorsed by STNA.
South Tabor neighbors are invited to a Southeast Uplift Block Party on August 27th.
Click here to view the minutes from our May 19th, 2011 General Meeting.
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