STNA May Meeting 5/16/2019
Board Members Present: President Duane Hanson, Ben Chatterton, Juan Cummings, Tina Kimmy, Marcelle Thurston, Pete Forsyth.
Neighbors: Mary Karter, Doug Beebe, Tom Cotter, Anna Guentter, Kelly, Mireaya Medina (southeast Uplift), Sandy
Called to order at 7:00 PM by Duane Hanson
Motion to amend agenda and move to approve $50 expenditure to fund gift for Duane by Ben. Seconded by Pete. Passes unanimously.
Committee Reports:
Land Use Update-62nd and Woodward traffic counter on Woodward to measure volume and speed to meet criteria for one way for block to collect data. Marcelle steps down as Land Use committee chair.
Treasurers Report: Report of balance historically.
June 16th: 8,176 May 17: 6,179 Dec 18: 4,356 April 19: 4,301
Reached goal from pancake breakfast, don’t have final numbers from Treasure
March Minutes Approval: Not approved, need information. Held off until next month for language around pancake dinner motions.
April Minutes Approval: moved by Ben, seconded by Tina. Motion approved unanimously.
Old Biz
2019 Moves along smoothly
Pancake Breakfast success
New Biz
Election for STNA President: Pete Forsyth nominated by Tina, accepts nomination. Duane Moves to elect Pete as president, seconded by Kelly. Abstention by Pete. Motion approved.
Emergency Prep w/Taborvilla at Taborspace annex.
South Tabor Garage sale 6/15/2019. Comms to post to facebook. Same yards, same day. Sue Millman in charge of garage sale.
Overview from Mireaya on SE Uplift status and code changes. Left lit for SE Uplift training and classes
Harvest Fest date, 2nd Sunday in September.
Adjourn 7:46
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