STNA Board Meeting, Thursday, 3/16/17.
Written by Sandra Hay Magdaleno 3/16/17, Amended 3/19/17, Amended 4/20/17
Board Present: Duane Hanson, Sandra Hay Magdaleno, George Kepnick, John Carr, Tina Kimmey
Members: Susan Kuhn, Michael Kuhn, Bob Judkins, Chip Sudbeck, Donna Judkins, Diane Amico, Bill Wand, Steve Gould, Kathy Gould, Sarah Hughey, Michael Honsan, Ute Munger, Linda Sorensen
Guests: Heather Flint Chatto with Richmond NA & Division Design, Mireaya Medina with SEUpLift, Cory Solovewicz with Foster-Powell NA
The meeting was opened at 7:05pm.
The first order of business was discussion of a neighborhood house that has been labeled by the police bureau a “nuisance” house. Neighbors talked about issues that have dated back for more than 3 years with drug trafficking, loud noises of day and night, stolen property, many unlicensed vehicles parking up and down the street, damaged property, harassment by neighbors and more. Neighbors have written letters, called in many police reports and there had been some police action in the past. As there have been changes in the police bureau and their priorities over the last year or so, there has been little police support lately. Neighbors came to ask STNA for support and to find out what else they could do or who they could turn to. One suggestion was to approach the Office of Neighborhood Involvement for our area. Also, it can be helpful to write to the Portland City Council, our Portland Mayor, The Chief of Police and others.
Motion: made by Sandra and seconded by Tina: With the help of the affected neighbors, STNA will write a letter to: City Commissioner, Chloe Eudaly; Portland Mayor, Ted Wheeler; State Representative, Allisa Keny-Guyer; Portland Police Chief, Mike Marshman;, State Senator, Michael Dembrow; ONI (Office of Neighborhood Involvement, Marianna Lomanto. We would also ask our neighboring neighborhoods such as Foster-Powell and North Tabor to join us and to add any “nuisance” houses that are in their neighborhoods, if any. During additional discussion, we agreed that as many neighbors as possible should also write letters. Motion passed unanimously with no abstentions. Seargent Randy Teig
Next Heather Flint-Chatto form the Richard Neighborhood Association came with additional information and requested support our official input on DOZA (Design Overlay Zone Assessment) and how the Division Design Guidelines relate to DOZA. First the Division Design Initiate as most of you know is/was a coalition that includes all 4 neighborhood associations and the local business association along Division from SE 12th to SE 82nd. It addressed our changing landscape with the 8 new large projects that have already been completed and in operation to the 8 large developments that are already in the permit stage and/or have recently changed ownership to the future changes that will be coming with the new high density corridors. The Division Design Guidelines Initiative is trying to get out in front of the tremendous development that has, is and will be affecting our neighborhoods.
The Division Design Guideline wanted to help neighborhoods and the City Bureau of Planning give consistent message that were city wide and addressed fundamental livability and sustainability, that helped create an environment that could sustain the growth of the greater Portland area to be healthy, strong, and viable, livable and sustainable many years into the future.
It was noted that the City of Portland has only 1 Design Commission quadrant that has never addressed any development East SE/NE 12th. Seattle has 7 design quadrants while we have 1. Secondly, many of Portland’s design policies are woefully out of date and have not been updated since the 1980’s.
The Division Design Guidelines came up with the top 10 policy recommendations. Number one on the list was a consistent, trackable notification policy where there is a consistent design overlay and design overview that is up to date, appropriate for the high-density corridors and lends to keeping our city and neighborhoods viable, livable and sustainable.
Heather asked the board and each of us to write and comment on DOZA, the Design Overlay Zone Assessment Project. First, please note that we appreciate the extensive work and many of the DOZA recommendations that have been thoughtfully addressed and laid out. We want to work effectively with our city and the changing landscape of our urban boundaries and their growth and change. We want quality change that matches the character of our neighborhoods and addresses quality, context and permanence, as well as a process and template that utilizes a consistent approach, that also educates the community, develops better evaluation and implementation tools and documents the process and tracks the progress and viability of development throughout the city and its impact.
Secondly, currently there are no impact assessments which might address issues that the city is trying to address when it comes to livability and sustainability. Are we adding additional living units, are we creating new businesses for the future, are we losing green space, what is the solar analysis and the privacy analysis to the neighboring buildings, how does the development fit contextually, what is the foot print of the building compared to its closest neighbors and similar questions. We have the ability and the desire to create the tools and a streamlined process to address these issues and similar issues to continue to make Portland great livable and sustainable place to live now and long into the future.
Third, DOZA is primarily focused on LARGE scale developers and only requesting design overlay on buildings 55 feet or higher, which does not address most of the buildings that are being built and permitted now nor what is most likely to be happening on Division and neighboring high density corridors. 55 or higher is generally 5-6 stories or more. Most of the high-density corridors are experiencing development with 3-4 story buildings directly adjacent to residential areas. Also, what can we do to help small developers and local small businesses upgrade and prosper?
- Creation of at least one or more additional design commissions/quadrants that would clearly address areas outside of the downtown high rise construction zone.
- Lower the design overlay from 55 feet to approximately 30 feet for the new high density corridors.
- Create impact assessments with clear notification, engagement and follow-up processes and protocols, consistent and measurable through regions of the city that address key issues of livability and sustainably.
- Create effective tools and processes – a score card approach – to address and assess the livability and sustainability impacts, as well as track the impact development have and are having on our cities goals for urban growth and change geographically weighing the important issues of livability, job creation, and amenities such as daycares, restaurant, medical, postal, parks and other services addressing the sustainability, community impact, evaluating the context and elevation with neighboring buildings, the foot print, solar, privacy, site, green space analyses, and speaks to the needs to have educated communities working effectively and efficiently with urban development with a review process that is reliably and steadily monitoring the long term effectiveness of these tools and policies and addresses change when needed.
- Create tools and support to help small developers and local businesses prosper with seismic and other upgrades, waiving or lowering fees and streamlining the process.
- As the survey was closed on Friday, 3/17/17, please write to the Design Commission and/or one of its members at: Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, 1900 SW 4th AVE., Suite 7100, Portland, OR 97201 addressing your thoughts and concerns. THANK YOU. OR EMAIL:
- Lora Lillard (staff):
- Planning Commission:
- City Council:
Next Heather asked us to review the Division key sites and make comments by emailing:
The goal of the key sites is to address key areas from SE 12th to 82nd that might be historical in nature and worth keeping and upgrading and/or sites that are ripe for development and important to the neighborhoods be it usability, accessibility, character, housing and/or job creation or other needs of the community. We will send out communication on key sites and goals. Let the Division Design Initiative know your thoughts, do you agree or disagree with these sites, what did we miss or could add, what would you like to see for these sites? Again, please email: with additions and/or comments on key site goals and issues
The next order of business was a presentation by Cory Solovewicz from Foster Powell NA and the Neighborhood Transportation Project specifically addressing safety on Powell and Division and addressing Safe Routes to School for ours and neighboring schools. Some of the potential concerns where at least putting paint on the curb and island cutouts and crosswalks, adding good signage and/or better yet, adding rapid flash beacon crossings at specified intersections.
Our STNA SEUpLift Landuse and Transportation Delegate, John Carr, added that the next open house for Safe Routes to Schools was meeting next Tuesday evening at Arleta School. Neighbors were all agreed that 62nd and Woodward was a key site needing safety improvements. Crosswalks at 57th and Powell would be critical. Powell and Division are some of the highest death transportation zones in the city. Another key concern for Foster/Powell was 56th and Rhone. You can email Cory at: or our Land Use Chair, John Carr at: with your comments, suggestions or concerns.
John, Land Use Delegate then addressed the goal of SEUplift to identify 1 or 2 key potential safety projects that would address key safety and transportation areas in the 20 neighborhood association groups within SEUpLift. These are not currently funding, but would be top priorities if and when funding comes along. As talked about in previous meetings, tonight, we reviewed and endorsed making the 60’s Greenway Project a top priority. This bicycle route goes from the Brentwood Darlington area north to the Banfield area. It would cross Powell at 65th and Division at 64th. With new bicycle routes, comes better and more adequate crossings, markings and signage. The 60’s Greenway Project would address several of our key transportation issues and those of our adjacent neighborhoods.
MOTION: made by Sandy and seconded by John to approve the Endorsement of the 60’s Greenway Project as the top priority for future safety projects. The motion passed unanimously with no abstentions. The endorsement will be sent to SEUplift post-haste.
MOTION: Request to extend the meeting for 15 minutes was made by Duane Hanson and seconded by Tina. Approved unanimously with no abstentions.
First came the Treasurer’s report by Duane Hanson, President. The current treasurer is stepping down due to family and work obligations. We are in need of a new treasurer. Currently the bank account has $5,723.27 in the coffer.
The meeting minutes for November 2016 and January 2017 were reviewed and corrections made in the spelling of names.
MOTION: made by Tina and seconded by George to approve the treasurers report and the minutes as amended.
Next there was an update on the Emergency Preparedness event, Saturday, 5/13/17 from noon to 4pm at 3645 SE 32nd Ave, downstairs and south of the Cleveland Track. We did not get funding for the project from SEUplift. Duane is working with some other local unions and community groups and has a line up for speakers and workshops.
Next it was noted that there will be a new AIRBNB at 5404 SE Woodward. We already noted the 5 lot development at 76th and Division.
Next announcement was the 2017 Litter Pickup will be Division Street and 76nd Ave. We get help in funding the project from Solve and SEUPLift.
MOTION: To adjourn the meeting made by Duane and seconded by Tina at 8:58pm. Unanimous.
3/16/ Next Land Use, Communications, and Sustainability Committee meetings will be held, Tuesday, April 18, 2017 from 7-8:30pm.
Next STNA Board Meeting is, Thursday, April 20th, 2017 from 7-8:30pm. Both the committee meetings and the board meetings will be held at Trinity Fellowship, 2700 SE 67th with entrance from parking in the rear. ALL ARE WELCOME.
Comments are closed.