March 12th, 2015 Land Use Committee Minutes

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March 12, 2014
South Tabor Neighborhood Association LAND USE COMMITTEE
Attending Committee Members: Duane Hanson, STNA Board Member
Shem Harding, STNA Local Land Use Chair
Hildy Miller, LUC member
Ute Munger, STNA Board Member
Jordan Palmeri, LUC Member
Attending Guests: Sally Swan
Distribution: STNA LUC, STNA Board
1) The efforts of the Division Design Initiative to create context-sensitive design guidelines for
development along SE Division St. were discussed and it was agreed that STNA should play a
role in this discussion. The LUC is generally supportive of the DDI and would advise the board to
approve financial support of their efforts at the next board meeting.
2) The guidelines crafted by the DDI should address key concerns of neighborhood residents. Chief
among these concerns are parking capacity for new development and the creation of public green
3) Winco is planning to move into the old Food4Less space at 7901 SE Powell Blvd. They have
applied for a land use review to address City required parking lot landscaping issues (case #LU
13-234476). The project was initiated in 2013, but has been much delayed. LUC members are
generally supportive of the project and curious about the timeline. It was agreed that the status of
this project should be investigated further.
4) The committee discussed the status of the conditional use land use review currently approved for
the Franklin High modernization project. Although many areas of concern have been resolved,
there is still a great deal of concern about the pedestrian path connecting Woodward and Division
along the east side of the campus. The path will be fenced and gated with gates closed from
11pm to 6am and during school lockdowns. There is not a lot of detail about the methodology for
opening and closing the gates, or what size the gates will be. Prompted by numerous concerns,
the committee voted (6 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstention) to pursue an appeal of the approved land use
decision, with the goal of keeping this path free and open for use by all. Shem will consult with
Sandra on the best way to move forward with the appeal
ACTION ITEMS Inquire about status of WinCo project (Shem)
Pursue an appeal of the approved Franklin land use decision (Shem)
Next LUC meeting: April 9, 2015

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