South Tabor Neighborhood Association, Minutes for Thursday, June 21, 2018, 7:02-8:25
Board Members Present: President Duane Hanson, Treasurer Ute Munger, Neighborhood Land Use Chair Marcelle Thurston, SEUL Land Use and Transportation Representative John Carr, and Interim Secretary and SE Uplift Delegate Tina Kimmey
Neighbors/Members: George Kepnick & Sarah Hughey
Committee Reports
Land Use Report:
The Division Design Guidelines were discussed and the committee decided to recommend that STNA adopt the guidelines to use as a communications tool when new development is proposed along Division, Powell, and SE 82nd Ave.. Duane moved that we adopt the Division Design Guidelines. Seconded by Ute. Unanimously approved by the board.
Land Use committee discussed being proactive with improvements in the neighborhood. One item we see as an opportunity is fixing SE Woodward between SE 57th and 64th. The walkways along this section of Woodward have been added to the Safe Routes to School Project List, along with eight other crossing and walkway improvement projects in South Tabor. There are some grant opportunities we want to look into to try to find additional funds to help move these projects forward.
New Kellogg building will be 100% Risk Category IV (which is the highest) meaning in a case of an earthquake or other emergency it is available for immediate occupancy. The building is currently on schedule and should be completed January 2021.
SEUL LUTC – PedPDX is PBOT’s initiative to update Portland’s citywide pedestrian plan (, created in 1998. In a work session, John gave feedback on provisional maps indicating which streets should be included as neighborhood walkways in the updated plan. John suggested adding SE 67th (near bus stops, schools, entrance to Mt. Tabor Park) and a portion of SE 64th that will be part of a future 60s greenway and lead to new south entrance to Mt. Tabor Park. Kellogg MS was not yet on the map, so John added it, as well as SE Franklin from SE 62nd to the future school site (SE 69th). There will be more chances for public comment in the months ahead.
Treasurer’s report: Current Balance $4,172.32
John moved that we approve the treasurer’s report as written, seconded by Marcelle. The vote passes unanimously.
SE Uplift: 50th Anniversary Celebration for SE Uplift will be held Thursday July 26th, 3pm -8pm, program at 6pm. We will celebrate the history of SE Uplift and recognize long serving representatives.
Old Business
3rd Annual Litter Pick-up: Saturday May 19, 260 lbs. of trash was picked up from neighborhood. Great success, great team building. Partnered with SOLV and had lots of volunteers from the neighborhood and also LaSalle High School.
New Business
Harvest Fest will be held September 16th, and there was discussion regarding supplies we have and supplies we’ll need. We already have support from Portland Nursery and New Seasons Markets. New signs needed, extension cord for the cider press.
Emergency Prep: Next East side NET meeting is July 5th, at Parkrose Portland Fire & Rescue Station 2. The last meeting, May 26th, there was discussion on the emergency cache at Clinton Park.
Website Updates: Would we like a Land Use section of the website?
Possible Fundraising Opportunities: Ute reported that Trinity Fellowship would be interested in partnering with STNA with a spaghetti dinner or pancake breakfast.
A thank you to Ute and Marcelle for organizing the items in the attic. It was long needed.
Duane moves to adjourn the meeting The motion is seconded by Marcelle and passes unanimously.
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