South Tabor Neighborhood Association Meeting
July 16, 2015
In Attendance: Duane Hanson, Rosemari Hart, Maija Spencer, Shem Harding, Kim Jarema, Dana Lucero, Erica Spaet, Brenda Reddaway, Susan Meamber, April Bertelsen, Tin Le, Ute Munger.
The meeting was called to order at 7:03.
Officer’s Report: Officer Tim Bacon reported that there has been no significant difference in the amount of crime in the South Tabor neighborhood, in the past month. The first Tuesday in August is National Night Out. People are encouraged to hold neighborhood parties to get to know their neighbors and local public safety officials, in order to form safer and better connected communities. For more information, go to There will be a party held at 64th and Franklin.
Powell/Division Transit and Development Project: The number 4-Division, and the number 9-Powell bus lines are among Portland’s busiest bus lines. Over 18,000 people travel on them each day, and the Transit and Improvement Project seeks to provide faster and more reliable service. It will be a bus rapid transit line, with buses that are larger and are able to move more quickly through traffic. Stations will look more like the light rail, and will be designed to make boarding faster.
The project is now entering the design phase, which should last about two years. New service can be expected by 2020. The decision on where the line will transition, whether 50th or 52nd, or 82nd, has yet to be made. Concerns such as how to keep the buses moving reliably without widening the road and further disrupting the neighborhoods are being weighed. To see the draft of the Portland Action Plan, including the land use vision for the area around the Powell/Division corridor, and give input, go to Comments concerning equitable development, including preservation of housing, low income housing and business can also be emailed to Alexandra Howard At this point, the existing zoning is expected to remain in place. There will be further discussion of zoning over the next few years.
New Business: Kim Jarema asked permission to put bike route maps in the kiosks on Woodward. Ute Munger raised a concern about people indiscriminately putting literature in the kiosks, while expressing appreciation to Kim for going through the proper channels.
Motion: Brenda Reddaway made a motion to put bike maps in the kiosks. Shem Harding seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Portland Parks Project Manager, Susan Meamber, spoke on improvements being made at the Mt Tabor Yard. Over 100 employees use the site, and necessary maintenance and repair will be made in two phases. During Phase 1, unsafe structures on the west side will be demolished, and new modular units and storage containers brought in to house various crews. This work should be done by the end of 2015. Phase 2 is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2015 and be completed in the fall of 2018. The maintenance shop and warehouse space will be replaced at that time. A pedestrian/bike path will run on the west side of the yard, connecting Mt Tabor Park to Division. The restroom at the summit of Mt Tabor will also be repaired and opened. For more information, go to, or email Maija Spencer at There will be an open house in late winter or early spring of 2016.
Old Business: Clean Up/Wrap Up. Ute Munger reported that the Clean Up made approximately $1,547. She hopes to get reimbursement for some of the expenses, giving STNA a guesstimated $1500. Profit. Approximately 105 cars and about 5 bikes passed through the gate, and we had a good number of volunteers working. Ute Munger and Jana Throckmorton have officially resigned from the positions of co-chairs of the Clean-Up Committee, so the position is now open.
Ute brought up the fact that no inventory of STNA’s possessions have been made since 2012, and that there is no effective way to keep track of who has borrowed items and when. Consequently a number of things have disappeared. Ute and Jana have volunteered to make an inventory and create a new check out system. Thank you Ute and Jana! They will come up with a proposal, and put it on the listserve. Ute also spent $225 for gift cards for board members as a thank you who served their entire term.
Motion: Brenda Reddaway made a motion that Ute be reimbursed for the cost of the gift cards. Rose Hart seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Communications Report: The committee chair, Brenda Reddaway, has bought a copy card at the UPS store at 41st and Hawthorne. It is available to be used for STNA business. There are still three more information kiosks to be installed. We would also like to put out two issues of the newsletter next year, and will be looking for cost estimates at various printing places.
Secretary’s Report: Ute Munger moved to approve the June minutes, with Shem Harding seconding the motion. The minutes were approved.
The President’s Report was tabled.
Harvest Fest Report: South Tabor’s sixth Harvest Fest is coming up in September. Duane Hanson has sent out Ask Letters, and confirmed that we can again use Trinity Church, have the use of a cider press, and a donation of corn. He will soon be handing out yard signs. Volunteers are needed both to put out the signs, and to work on the day of the Harvest Fest.
A South Tabor Neighborhood wide yard sale was proposed for August 22 and 23. The yard sales would take place in individual yards, with participants paying $10 for advertising, and to be included on a directional map.
Motion: Brenda Reddaway proposed that a neighborhood yard sale be held on August 22 and 23, and that participants be charged $10. Rose Hart seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Duane agreed to write an invitation, and put it on the list serve, in Facebook, and the SE Examiner. Duane will also make up a map of the participants. Brenda suggested putting it in the kiosks, a week in advance.
Motion: Brenda moved to adjourn the meeting, and Shem Harding seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.
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