February 19th, 2015 STNA General Meeting Minutes

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South Tabor Neighborhood Association-Board Meeting
Trinity Church, 2700 SE 67th Avenue, Portland, OR 97206
Board Members Present: Sandra Hay Magdaleno, Duane Hanson, Rose Hart, Shemuel Harding
Community Members Present: Susie Peterson, Estebon Diez, Corinne Tippett, Blue Tippett-Hunt, Allen Field, Ute Munger, Jamie Harvie, Christian Harvey, Mark Hadley, Nancy Hendrickson, Jennifer Lewis, Heather Flint- Chatto, Kit Peterson
Meeting called to order at 7:01.
Officer’s Report: The officer was not available, but it was reported that the issue of trash being dumped at the site of the old Wet Hen car wash has been resolved.
South Tabor Trees: The Tree Team gave a presentation summarizing the work of 58 volunteers who spent over 300 hours taking an inventory of 2,571 street trees in the South Tabor neighborhood. The environmental and aesthetic benefits of street trees are described, and trees are listed by size, age, and condition. Google South Tabor Tree Inventory to read the report.
Upcoming Event: A workshop on the importance of tree diversity will be held on May 30, at Trinity Church.
Clean Up: Ute and Jana were voted onto the board as co-chairs of the Clean-up Committee, and will be leading the Neighborhood Clean Up, this year. It will be held on May 23, from 9:00-1:00 at Trinity Church. We will no longer be accepting yard debris, construction cleanup materials, or tires, as they are too expensive. Mixed waste, metal, electronics, plastics, bikes, Styrofoam, scrap metal, books, magazines, housewares and appliances will be accepted. There will be a U Price It area.
Motion: A motion was made and seconded to vote in Ute Munger and Jana Throckmorton as board members and co-chairs of the 2015 Clean Up Committee. Motion carried by unanimous vote of the board.

Jade District: Jade District’s Economic Development Committee is linking with PCC to provide services to local businesses to help them grow. $50,000 is available to give to local businesses for storefront improvements. Information about community events can be found on the website at http://www.jadedistrict.org/.
The Banner Furniture store on 82nd and Division has been bought by Metro, and will be developed as mixed use space, with businesses below, and housing above. This will probably happen in about a year and a half. Until then, the building will be temporarily used as community space.
Motion: A motion was made and seconded to vote Christian Harvey onto the board as representative to the Jade District.
Jennifer Lewis spoke briefly, on behalf of Representative Alissa Keny-Guyer. She announced a coffee meeting that was held at Laurelhurst Café, at 3:00 on February 21, as an opportunity to meet Representative Keny-Guyer.
Communications: A budget has been approved for a printed 2-4 page newsletter. If you want to have something included in the newsletter, email: communications @southtabor.org. The goal is to have it out by April. We need block captains to hand out the newsletter, and also hope to begin tool sharing, and have food drives every two months.
We are hoping to place several more information kiosks in underrepresented areas, where bikers and walkers are likely to stop. The areas close to 82nd and 52nd Avenues, and the area around Clinton Park are priorities.
The possibility of meeting at the Banner Furniture building was discussed. Discussion was tabled until next meeting.
Land Use Committee: The Division Design Initiative Inter-neighborhood Design Committee has done surveys, taken input and is working on writing design guidelines to take to the neighborhoods for review and approval. The intent of the committee is to empower neighborhoods and businesses. The February 26nd meeting was announced. More information can be found at www.divisiondesigninitiative.org.
The Land Use Committee meets on the second Thursday of the month, at 7:00, at Trinity Church. At the last meeting, the Division Design part of the Portland Comprehensive Design Plan was discussed. There will not be a lot of big changes for South Tabor, but there is a proposal to increase density in Belmont, Hawthorn, and the Division/Clinton Street corridor. A letter has been written addressing the neighborhoods’ concerns. It advocated for lower density than had been proposed in the Plan, and recommended designating the area as a Neighborhood Center, which would limit the height of buildings to 3-5 stories. The design overlay gives opportunity for neighborhood associations to give input. The city is looking for comment. Sandra recommended that STNA support the letter, and send the updated letter to the board. The motion was accepted, and the letter was approved with three additions.
Motion: A motion was made, seconded and approved by unanimous vote to approve the January 2015 minutes.
Next month’s meeting will be held on March 19, at 7:00.
Motion: Motion was made, seconded and approved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm.

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