South Tabor Neighborhood Association regular monthly meeting, Thursday July 21, 2016
Written by Duane Hanson
The meeting was called to order 7:00 PM with introductions by President Hanson (who was the single board member in the room).
In attendance were: George Kepnick and Sarah Hughey from 69th and Clinton, Mireaya Medina from Southeast Uplift, Tina Kimmey from 72nd & Division, Beth Melville 65th and Franklin, DH Strongheart from 58th and Franklin, Ruby Sawhney-Hanson 63rd and Franklin, Jean Senechal-Biggs (PBOT), Jennifer Koozer (Trimet) and PPB Officers Tim Bacon and Corey Bedworth.
The meeting began with a crime update by the PPB officers present. They feel drug activity on 66th has “flat-lined” at present.
Midnight on Tuesday they were both on the armed home intrusion call between 47th and 50th on Franklin. A helicopter provided air support.
Suspect kicked in door on a vacant home first. A second home had a family occupying it. Father robbed at gun point (wife/kids upstairs), car keys taken. Unable to drive a manual shift, the suspect (high on meth) had to steal a second car.
SERT Team was called, dog sent in, unable to locate, then he was found in an out building. Non-lethal has shot in, and he surrendered about 4a.
Q&A followed.
Next, Jennifer Koozer, Trimet Community Affairs Manager and Jean Senechal-Biggs, PBOT Project Manager spoke on Powell-Division Transit Project. In the Fall, the Development Project Steering Committee will consider technical findings & public input on bus service improvements. Articulated busses will be used. Currently 10,000+ riders each day, just from Gresham to Downtown. (Project runs from MHCC to downtown Portland.)
Duane discussed the ongoing work he’s doing to bring together our seventh successful Harvest Festival to be held Sunday, September 18th from noon to four. (Mireaya shared that North Tabor holds a brunch that same morning & possibilities of cross promotion might be looked into.)
Without a quorum no votes could be taken in regards to another (suggested) Division Design Initiative $500 donation.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:59p by President Hanson. Next meeting Thursday August 18th, 2016, 7p.
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