7pm Welcome and Introductions
Board Members: Tina, Juan, Sergio, John, Nate
Neighbors: Nick, Rod, Jill, Khanh Pham, Matchu, Sarah, Connie
7:10 Presentation: State Representative Khanh Pham to join us to discuss last year’s legislative session and what to look forward to next year. Q& A
District changing slightly soon, all of STNA to be in District 42
82nd avenue transition to local control a big recent legislative win.
Question: climate change legislation has been slow, but why has it not been on the ballot?
A: Still passed some historic climate change despite Cap and Trade. Focusing on sectoral action (specific, like electrical, ag, transportation, etc)
Question: Is there a timeline on what happens with 82nd avenue next? Are there opportunities for affordable housing.
A: By 2022 transition goes through, city is planning community visioning. Exactly timeline unknown. Housing: need to work with local jurisdiction for property acquisition, to public or non-profit control. Invested in community groups for property acquisition, $2M to be a CDC.
Question: At the state level is there interest in building land-banks?
A: Probably better at local level because there’s more wealth and access to land. Rep. Pham is passionate about this.
Question: Any specific legislation for next session that you’re very excited about?
A: Universal representation for immigration. Farmer OT Pay. Introducing bill for General Progress Indicator as a metric for economic progress and health. Cooling concepts bill, every renter having right to install AC units, and includes funding for low-income.
Question: Interest in Atomic Energy and nuclear energy. What is your take on this?
A: Concerned about waste and the communities affected. Oregon has a current ban on Nuclear power. One firm is looking at modular nuclear (new generation), trying to sell to other states. Rep. Pham is glad for ban, and sees that the need for transition is faster than pace of building nuclear
7:50 Board /Committee Reports
Treasurer–No report
Land Use–No meeting in November. Working on the Findley Commons community good neighbor agreement. Final draft is complete, voting in January. Tracking Powell Self-Storage, did not install security gates, owners have been contacted. In permitting stage for installation. Opportunity for volunteers for Findley commons: looking for volunteers to move materials upstairs.
Communications–No major update, working on email distribution for southtabor.org.
Events–No report out
Powell Frontage Road–No report out.
Diversity–Will be reaching out to Black and Beyond Binary about assisting on the neighborhood watch sign removal project. Perhaps we can boost the tracking program they are considering. https://www.portlandoregon.gov/civic/index.cfm?&c=62587
Welcome–No report out
SE Uplift LUTC–No meeting this month.
SE Uplift–New executive director hired. Discussing bylaws changes, vote coming soon. Hiring a board administrator.
8:10 Old business: Approve meeting minutes for October. Juan moves to approve, 2nd by Sergio. Passes Unanimously.
PCCEP (https://www.portlandoregon.gov/pccep/); Portland Committee on Community Engaged Policing. Portland Street Response has been extended. Portland has not moved on all of them. Request is for STNA to sign-on to a recommendation letter to city council. John moves for South Tabor to sign on to the recommendation letter, second by Nate. Passes unanimously.
8:20 New Business
Question around public safety issues around catalytic theft: why are they being targeted? Targeted for precious metals, being smelted by a small handful of businesses and sold on the secondary market.
8:30 Adjourn
Minutes approved 1/20/2022 at STNA meeting.
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