May General meeting

May 19, 2021 Comments Off on May General meeting

Hello South Tabor neighbors!

Our May meeting is this Thursday. We have our annual board elections, this year for Chair and Secretary (and we the vice chair seat is also open). Feel free to join us and meet some neighbors. We love to see new faces and hear new ideas for the neighborhood. All are welcome!

Zoom connecting:
Topic: South Tabor meeting
Time: May 20, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 6920 5732
Passcode: 204109
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,84869205732#,,,,*204109# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,84869205732#,,,,*204109# US (Houston)


1. Welcome & introductions: 7:00pm
2. Review & approve last month’s minutes: 
3. Committee reports: 
Land Use, Treasurer, Events, Chair, Communications, SE Uplift, LUTC, Powell Frontage Road Committee, Diversity
4. Old Business: Elections for Chair & Secretary positions, intersection painting for 2021, Yard Sale
5. New Business: 
6. Adjourn: 8:30, Next meeting board June 17 , Land Use June 15. Zoom link will be posted at and sent out ahead of time.

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