South Tabor Neighborhood Association Meeting
April 16, 2015
In Attendance:
Sandra Hay Magdaleno, Ute Munger, Christian Harvey, Michael Kuhn, Vicky Oglesbee, Jesse Rodli, Theresa Culbertson, Lindsay Schafer, Karen, Hal Bosworth, George Nicola.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. All were welcomed and allowed to introduce themselves, tell where they live and why they were at the meeting.
Public Library Presentation:
Vicky Oglesbee, manager of the Holgate public library, talked about the services that this library branch has to offer and demonstrated several apps that are available through the public library system.
Trinity Fellowship Church:
Jesse Rodli and Theresa Culbertson, representing Trinity Fellowship on SE 67th Ave., talked about the grassy field property east of the church. Its primary use is meant for children and families. The field has been closed to off-leash dogs due to abuse to the grass and neglect of some dog owners regarding clean up after their dogs; although dogs on-leash may continue to be present.
STNA Clean-Up:
The STNA Clean-Up will be on Saturday, May 23rd from 9am to 1pm. Decals need to be ordered to update the signage for both the Clean Up in May and the Harvest Festival in September. Estimated cost is $142.50. A motion was made by Christian Harvey to approve the payment of these bills. The motion was seconded by Ute Munger.
The corrected signs will need to be put up no later than the first week in May.
Flyers for the Clean-Up will be distributed in the kiosks as well as hand carried by as many volunteers as are willing to do so.
“E” Geek will be at the Clean-Up to take electronics away for free. Sandra will contact the Styrofoam people to see if they are open that day for delivery.
Jade District:
Christian Harvey presented information about the Jade District, The now empty furniture store on the corner of SE 82nd and Division will be undergoing changes in the future. South Tabor’s input was requested on the concerns for that area and the possible building use. Parking seems to be one of the bigger concerns.
It was suggested that the future building might be of mixed use– residential and businesses.
Land Use:
By motion of Christian Harvey with a second by Ute Munger, it was decided to rescind STNA’s letter to the city about the sidewalk at Franklin High School.
There will be a one-time newsletter mailing in May, at a cost of $1500, to all residents in the South Tabor neighborhood. Next year any newsletter issues will be sent electronically, with a few copies available in the kiosks and possibly at STNA meetings.
Harvest Festival:
This year’s Harvest Fest will be on September 13th.
Next meeting is May 21st:
Reports by the Secretary, Treasurer and President will be given next month.
Elections of STNA officers for President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer will be held.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 PM by Ute Munger and was seconded by Christian Harvey.
Submitted by Lindsay Schafer
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