STNA welcome letter from Harvest Festival

September 9, 2019 Comments Off on STNA welcome letter from Harvest Festival

The letter below was distributed at our 10th annual Harvest Festival, Sept. 8, 2019.

Dear Neighbors,

Thank you for joining us for our 10th annual Harvest Festival!

An event like this is only possible with the generous support of our sponsors, dedicated volunteers, and the City of Portland. I hope you will join me in thanking them all!

Our Neighborhood Association meets every month on every third Thursday (except December) at 7pm, right here at Trinity Fellowship Church (on the corner of SE 67th and Clinton). To stay on top of issues that affect our neighborhood, please join us for a meeting!

Or if meetings don’t work, we have lots of other options. You’ll find several kiosks around the neighborhood (on SE 71st near Division and near Powell; on SE 67th near Woodward; on SE 67th and Clinton, here at the church; and on SE 59th and Woodward). Watch our website,, or join our (low traffic) email list by sending an email to We also update social media sites like Facebook and Nextdoor from time to time.

We have been busy lately! We are working to offer more neighborhood events, including our first Pancake Breakfast hosted in April 2019. We hope to bring neighbors together to repaint the artwork in the intersection of SE 67th and Woodward when local construction is complete. We’re looking to reboot our neighborhood newsletter, The Crow, which hasn’t been distributed for several years. We’re considering updates to our Bylaws to smooth our processes. We have taken a position opposing a controversial proposal to update Portland city code, in a way that could adversely affect neighborhood associations. (See for more.) Our Land Use Committee (which meets the Tuesday before every third Thursday meeting) has been following a number of neighborhood issues, and making recommendations where needed. 

How can we connect with you? How can we help you build the South Tabor you want to live in? Please come tell us in any of the ways mentioned above, or feel free to email me directly at

Pete Forsyth
President, South Tabor Neighborhood Association

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