UPDATE 11/27/23: This proposal has been approved.
STNA received a notice (dated 10/19/23) of a Type II Proposal at 7317 SE Woodward St. The applicant is proposing to build an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) and is requesting an adjustment to the building coverage limit to make this possible. Here’s the description from the notice:
The applicant proposes to construct an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) in the northwest corner of the subject property. The site contains an existing residence and accessory structure (shed), both of which will remain. The Portland Zoning Code limits the total amount of building coverage on a site based on the lot size (Section 33.110.225 and Table 110-5). The maximum combined building coverage for this site is 3,165 square feet. The applicant is proposing a total of 3,708 square feet of building coverage, including the existing residence (2,738 sq ft), the existing accessory structure (103 sq ft), and the proposed ADU (867 sq ft). Therefore, the applicant is requesting an adjustment to Section 33.110.225 to exceed the maximum allowable building coverage on the site by up to 550 square feet.
Please read the notice for full details. If you would like to comment on the proposal, comments are due by email to the case planner by 5 p.m. on 11/9/23.
Our next scheduled land use committee meeting is after the comment deadline, so we will not have an opportunity to discuss this as a group before then. But feel free to email landuse@southtabor.org with any questions.
Comments are closed.