No land use committee meeting in September 2023 (updates below)

September 7, 2023 Comments Off on No land use committee meeting in September 2023 (updates below)

The meeting previously scheduled for Tuesday, September 19 has been CANCELED. Please plan to attend our Community Safety & Safe Blocks Training at 7 p.m. on September 21.

Some updates. . .

 No current land use proposals to discuss.

– Request to complete Safe Routes projects on SE Clinton. John sent requests to PBOT in July and heard back from PBOT in August. . .

  • SE Clinton Street and 58th Avenue – An all-way stop may not be warranted here based on policies, but they will review it. Also looking at crosswalk striping.
  • SE Clinton Street and 67th Avenue – Engineers will visit the intersection and conduct pedestrian counts during peak hours and may gather additional speed/data analysis, likely during an arrival or dismissal time for Atkinson or Franklin. 
  • SE Clinton Street between 58th and 60th Avenues, sidewalk infill – “We unfortunately don’t have funds dedicated to either project on Clinton right now, but pairing these segments with other smaller infill projects could be a move we take in the future.”

They will get back in touch once there’s a response regarding the first two requests.  

Powell-Division Safety Improvements Project. Turns out this project has been pared down for some understandable (in some cases) and unclear (in other cases) reasons. All the crossings in South Tabor (Powell @ 57th, 61st, and 79th and Division @ 64th and 77th) are still in the works, BUT the rapid flashing beacons that were included in the 2017 design have been removed from all but the crossing at 79th. I’ve asked for an explanation. Regardless of what we learn, the next TriMet board of directors meeting is at 9 a.m. on September 27 in Beaverton. To submit two-minute virtual testimony, sign up by noon the day prior. Email me if you’d like to attend, and we can coordinate messaging.

East Portland TIF Exploration. In early 2022, members of the East Portland Action Plan (EPAP) began convening a group of community organizations, Prosper Portland and Portland Housing Bureau staff, and other stakeholders to explore the use of tax increment financing (TIF) in East Portland. TIF is a way to retain tax revenue within a specific geographical boundary to support things ranging from infrastructure to (in the case of East Portland) measures aimed at stabilization, anti-displacement, and equitable growth.

One of the three proposed TIF regions for East Portland is the area around 82nd Ave, including stretches of Division and Powell in South Tabor. If you live, work, worship, or attend school in the outlined area (see link below) and would like to be part of a committee, there’s an open call for working groups. See the area under consideration and learn more about the project at the project webpage and click here to apply by October 2. The next steering committee meeting is September 25 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. You can register to watch a live broadcast here.  

SE Uplift Land Use and Transportation Committee (LUTC) Meeting. The August hybrid meeting included presentations by the Bureau of Planning & Sustainability (BPS) on Portland’s Housing Needs Analysis (HNA) and Housing Production Strategy (HPS) and by Metro on the 2023 Regional Transportation Plan. Visit SE Uplift’s LUTC page to learn about and attend future meetings.

Mt. Tabor Maintenance Yard project updates. From the looks of things at the worksite, the groundwork for the multi-use path has reached Division. At a past meeting we learned that PP&R employees do not currently have on-site parking for their personal vehicles. In the meantime, some of them are parking on the street in South Tabor. Please help keep an eye on their vehicles and report any theft or vandalism to the police.

August updates from the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability. I’ll link to September updates when those come out.

In the news. . .

As traffic deaths rise, Portland officials crack down, from Axios, September 13, 2023. This relates to the safety measures we heard about from PBOT, ODOT, and Portland Police at our August general meeting.


As a reminder, here’s our collection of land use and transportation resources.

STNA is committed to holding open, public meetings where everyone is welcomed and respected. Please email us at if you have any questions, concerns, or need special accommodations to attend and participate in your neighborhood meetings.

Email if you have land use questions or suggestions for future meeting topics. 

All land use committee meeting summaries are posted here:

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