The meeting previously scheduled for Tuesday, July 18, 2023 has been CANCELED.
Some updates. . .
– No current land use proposals to discuss.
– Request to complete Safe Routes projects on SE Clinton. At our June meeting, the board voted to ask PBOT to move forward with the Safe Routes to School projects designated for SE Clinton (Atkinson route) which have yet to be funded. John sent three separate requests: 1) crosswalk striping and/or 4-way stop at 58th and Clinton, 2) constructing sidewalks and ADA curb ramps to fill gaps at 59th and 60th, and 3) crosswalk striping at 67th. The committee will report back with any response.
– SE 59th Ave. and Woodward Visioning. In June, we chalked off a section of the wide intersection at SE 59th at SE Woodward and gathered ideas on how to make the space more inviting, interesting, friendly, beautiful, functional, welcoming, etc. Most respondents were interested in seeing some kind of landscaped island or bump-out to narrow that intersection and/or a community use for part of the space. To be clear, there’s no budget or plan to do anything at this point and no commitment that PBOT would even be interested in funding or doing a project in this area. It’s also important that the adjacent neighbors support any idea for change. We will continue considering feedback and doing groundwork on options. We plan to invite a PBOT rep to an upcoming meeting to discuss greenways and may explore possibilities with them then.
– 60s and 70s Neighborhood Greenways. You might have noticed new sharrows and speed bumps going in on 78th and 79th. The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) is creating two Neighborhood Greenways that will connect South Tabor to destinations north and south. Learn more about the 60s Greenway and subscribe to email alerts here. Learn more about the 70s Greenway here.

– Mt. Tabor Park Light Poles. A pre-application conference was held on 6/27/23 to discuss replacing 88 light poles in the park with faulty design (file # EA 23-047200). From the notice: “None of the replacement light fixtures are the original 1920s fixtures. The proposed replacement poles are already located in Laurelhurst Park, Washington Park, and 5 other Portland parks.” A Type III Historic Resource Review is expected to follow, allowing for public engagement.
– Powell-Division Safety Improvements Project. TriMet has been updating us on the milestones for the crossings project. I’ll post an update for July when I hear back.
– Mt. Tabor Maintenance Yard project updates. The webpage was last updated January 20, 2023. But from the looks of things at the worksite, the groundwork for the multi-use path has reached Division.
– July updates from the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability. A couple highlights this month: City Council adopted a new vehicular parking code on June 7. And a new study on the Residential Infill Project shows promising results.
As a reminder, here’s our collection of land use and transportation resources.
STNA is committed to holding open, public meetings where everyone is welcomed and respected. Please email us at if you have any questions, concerns, or need special accommodations to attend and participate in your neighborhood meetings.
Email if you have land use questions or suggestions for future meeting topics.
All land use committee meeting summaries are posted here:
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