We will not have a land use committee meeting in October. It had been scheduled for 10/18/22, but is now CANCELED due to a travel/schedule conflict.
INSTEAD. . . we have invited Zachary Lauritzen from Oregon Walks to our board meeting on Thursday, 10/20. Please check this website for meeting login details to join. Zachary will talk about the future of 82nd Avenue after its jurisdictional transfer from the State to the City. Oregon Walks is organizing a coalition of citizens and community groups to contribute to a vision for the street and area.
There are no current land use notices to discuss. I did recently receive and review several notices of home businesses and short-term rentals. These basically inform the neighborhood association that adjacent neighbors have been notified. There’s no follow-up required:
- 2701 SE 80th Ave. — Neighborhood Notice of Type B Home Occupation (private massage practice)
- 3320 SE 67th Ave. — Neighborhood Notice of Accessory Short-Term Rental Permit
- 5410 SE Woodward St. — Neighborhood Notice of Accessory Short-Term Rental Permit
- 8026 SE Division St. — Neighborhood Notice of Type B Home Occupation (insurance)
- 2927 SE 71st Ave. — Neighborhood Notice of Type B Home Occupation (shiatsu massage therapy)
Other updates. . .
- Mt. Tabor Maintenance Yard project updates. The webpage hasn’t been updated in a while, but work continues.
- October updates from the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability and ways to engage on citywide projects.
- As a reminder, here’s our collection of land use and transportation resources.
STNA is committed to holding open, public meetings where everyone is welcomed and respected. Please email us at info@southtabor.org if you have any questions, concerns, or need special accommodations to attend and participate in your neighborhood meetings.
Email landuse@southtabor.org if you have land use questions or suggestions for future meeting topics.
All land use committee meeting summaries are posted here: http://southtabor.org/land-use/
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