Tuesday, January 16, 2024, 7–8:30 p.m.
Meeting will take place remotely. See details below.
This is a public meeting. All are welcome!
Facilitator: John Carr, STNA Land Use Chair
Join the Remote Meeting
You can either dial in (audio only) or join by Zoom. Any last-minute changes will be posted here too.
Click here to join
+1 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 957 1346 4771
– Land Use Notice: Mount Tabor Park Lights (LU 23-088549 HR DM). The Landmarks Commission is holding a public hearing at 1:30 p.m. on 1/22/24 as part of a Type III Historic Resource Review for the replacement of 88 light poles: 84 within Mt. Tabor Park and 4 light poles in the SE Taylor Street right-of-way that are part of an existing and historic illuminated circulation system. Replacement poles will be installed in approximately the same location as the current poles.
Here is the public notice (PDF) with more description of the project, including an image of the replacement pole style. Note that the date on the notice differs from the one on the Landmarks Commission site. Typo?
– PCC Southeast Affordable Housing. Our Just Future (formerly Human Solutions), in partnership with APANO and Edlen and Co., is developing an affordable housing building at the western edge of the Portland Community College Southeast (PCC SE) campus. The site is located along SE 77th Ave. between SE Division St. and SE Sherman St. , across from South Tabor in the Montavilla neighborhood. The developers have already posted the site and held a public meeting, but wanted to meet with neighbors on South Tabor as well to brief us on the project and answer any questions. Join us to learn more!
Some details:
- 4 stories
- 124 apartments – studios to 3-bedroom, all affordable housing units
- 33 off-street parking spaces
- CI2 – Campus Institutional Use 2 zoning
See below for initial project imagery. . .

– Mt. Tabor Maintenance Yard project updates. From the looks of things at the worksite, the groundwork for the multi-use path has reached Division. At a past meeting we learned that PP&R employees do not currently have on-site parking for their personal vehicles. In the meantime, some of them are parking on the street in South Tabor. Please help keep an eye on their vehicles and report any theft or vandalism to the police.
– January updates from the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability.
As a reminder, here’s our collection of land use and transportation resources.
STNA is committed to holding open, public meetings where everyone is welcomed and respected. Please email us at info@southtabor.org if you have any questions, concerns, or need special accommodations to attend and participate in your neighborhood meetings.
Email landuse@southtabor.org if you have land use questions or suggestions for future meeting topics.
All land use committee meeting summaries are posted here: http://southtabor.org/land-use/
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