Land use committee meeting: Tuesday, August 18, 2020

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South Tabor Neighborhood Association
Land Use Committee Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 7–8:30 p.m.
Meeting will take place remotely. See details below.
This is a public meeting. All are welcome!
Facilitator: John Carr, STNA Land Use Chair

Join the Remote Meeting

You can either dial in (audio only) or join by webcam or mobile device. If we record the meeting, John will post a link afterwards lower on this page. Any last-minute changes will be posted here too.

Click here to join

+1 (253) 215-8782
Meeting ID: 990 7925 4469


7:00 (10 min): Introductions

7:10 (30 min.) Various:

  • There are no land use notices or decisions to discuss this month.
  • STNA board approved our committee requesting a traffic study on SE 58th, south of Woodward. Discuss when to make that request.
  • Powell Self Storage security gates. These should have been included in permit review, but weren’t. Design Review team at BDS is working with developer to get those elements back in.
  • Franklin High School pedestrian path access. FHS has locked the gates at Clinton Park and Woodward in order to limit access to the campus while schools are closed. Per a BDS land use decision, those gates are supposed to stay open year round between 6a and 11p to allow pedestrian access between Division and Woodward. Steve Reinemer has reached out to FHS administration to resolve this.
  • Clinton Park path. If the path connecting Division and Woodward were located entirely within the park, it would allow pedestrians an option to circumvent the FHS campus when the gates are locked (11p-6a and lockdown events). Discuss the Oregon Community Paths Program and recruit a volunteer to talk with Portland Parks and Recreation about applying for this funding. Would need to happen soon.
  • Kellogg construction progress. Any issues?
  • Check in on Safe Routes to Schools subcommittee.

7:40 (20 min.) Residential Infill Project:

8:00 (5 min.) Announcements:

  • Planning and Sustainability Commission and Urban Forestry Commission Joint Hearing to discuss the code related to tree preservation and planting associated with development. Scheduled for September 8, 2020. Click here for more info.
  • 10-week Portland Traffic & Transportation class. Full scholarships are available to Portland residents for Portland Traffic & Transportation, a noncredit course at Portland State University sponsored by the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT). Apply by September 1, 2020. There are 30 spots available, chosen by lottery.
  • Pedestrian crossing at SE Powell and SE 79th Ave. An amended contract is scheduled for a vote by the TriMet Board in December, with construction starting after that.

(no later than) 8:30: Adjourn

STNA is committed to holding open, public meetings where everyone is welcomed and respected. Please email us at if you have any questions, concerns, or need special accommodations to attend and participate in your neighborhood meetings.

Email if you have land use questions or suggestions for future meeting topics. 

UPDATE: Here is a summary and a video recording of the meeting.

All land use committee meeting summaries are posted here:

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