STNA received the following notice from the developers of the proposed Findley Commons housing project at the St. Mark’s Church site at 5415 SE Powell Blvd. A reduction of the church’s conditional use permit was recently approved, clearing the way for the property to be divided and the north part developed as housing.
We are proposing a development project in your neighborhood. Please contact us if you have any questions. The project must comply with the Neighborhood Contact Requirements. This email provides preliminary information about the project. City of Portland Neighborhood Contact Requirements can be found via this link.
Project description:
The affordable housing project consists of 35 new multifamily rental housing units. The units will be in one building. The complex will have 12 parking spaces. The complex includes a mix of 1 BR and studio units. All units will be rented at 60% of Area Median Income (AMI) or below, as affordable housing developed utilizing public financing. Project to be developed/owned by Do Good Multnomah, a non-profit, serving Veterans.Site address: 5415 SE Powell Blvd
Site Intersection: SE Powell and SE 54th ave
Site Plan: Attached to this email [site plan here]
Zoning: RM2
Project Contacts:
Owners Representative: Rob Justus, Home First Development
Owner: Do Good Multnomah – Chis Aiosa

I followed up with a couple questions. Here are those questions and Rob’s replies:
Q: Does your proposal require Neighborhood Contact I or II? (The difference being whether an applicant meeting is required.)
A: The proposal requires Neighborhood 1
Q: You describe the units as 1 BR and studio units, but the attached site plan shows SROs. Will you be proposing studio apartments or SROs?
A: Good question. Technically, we are proposing 20 – 1 bedroom units and 15 group living units.
The Neighborhood Contact 1 process basically entails a sign, online access to information, and no applicant meeting.
Our land use committee will continue to track this proposal.
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