STNA received Notice of a Type II Decision for 7740 SE Powell Blvd. in the Foster-Powell neighborhood (dated 3/2/20). This is the hotel building on the south side of Powell, currently being used as a family shelter. The applicant had asked for some adjustments to allow for a couple of modular buildings to be located at the site. The adjustments were approved.

From the decision:
The proposed Adjustments are found to be consistent with the purposes of the zoning requirements to be modified, with the desired character of the area, and with the purpose of the CM2 commercial/mixed-use zone. The wall art and planted trellises will mitigate for the buildings having less street-facing window area than required and help to create a pleasant pedestrian environment along the public sidewalk. Staff finds the Adjustment Review approval criteria are met with the conditions of approval listed below.
The conditions of approval include instructions and timelines for installing and maintaining the proposed wall art panels and vining plants (star jasmine) as well as contingencies in the event those are not maintained over time.
Please read the decision for full details. And feel free to email with any questions.
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