General meeting (open to all)
Thursday October 17, 2019, 7:00 to 8:30 PM
Trinity Fellowship Church, 2700 S.E. 67th Ave. (park & enter in rear)
1. Welcome & introductions | 7:00 | 5 mins
2. Review & approve last month’s minutes | 7:05 | 5 mins
3. Committee reports | 7:10 | 15 mins
Land Use, Treasurer, Events, President, Communications, Southeast Uplift, Bylaws.
4. Presentation | 7:25 | 30 minutes
Thomas Scharff, Division Transit Project
5. Old Business | 7:55 | 15 minutes
Nominations and voting for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee chair; discussion of expectations of the committee.
6. New Business | 8:10 | 10 mins
None planned
7. Adjourn.
Next General Meeting: Thu. Nov. 21, 7pm at Trinity Fellowship Church.
Our Land Use & Transportation Committee meets Tuesday Nov. 19, same place and time.
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