March 19th, 2105 STNA General Meeting minutes

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South Tabor Neighborhood Association-Board Meeting
Trinity Church, 2700 SE 67th Avenue, Portland, OR 97206
Board Members Present: Sandra Hag Magdeleno, Duane Hanson, Rose Hart, Brenda Reddaway, Shem Harding, Ute Munger, Jana Throckmorton
Community Members Present: Michael Huhn, Ariel Anderson, Shirley Larsen
Pet Issue: Several neighbors attended the meeting due to concern that Trinity Church has announced it will soon be making their back lawn off limits to dogs. The church has been very generous in allowing the community to use the area, but the privilege has been abused. They do not have the resources available to fill in the holes dug by the dogs, or to scoop and dispose of the dog poo that a few people have not cleaned up. This creates problems for the people who regularly use the field for kid’s activities, and other functions.
Community members feel that this informal dog park has provided a valuable meeting place, and would like to come up with a plan to maintain the area, that Trinity would be willing to accept. Ways to organize dog owners to regularly clean up the area, and repair damage to the turf were discussed. Suggestions included organizing dog owners to clean up the mess and a voluntary user fee that would be used to maintain the area. Duane suggested holding an initial cleanup, then creating a schedule of regular clean up times.
Sandy suggested a committee be formed to come up with ideas and proposals to bring before the church. The committee would look into organizing a monthly clean up, and would research the cost of repairing and maintaining the area. She also suggested contacting the church about holding a meeting on a Thursday night, which is a time frequently available to community meetings. Michael Kuhn and Ariel Anderson agreed to head the committee and come up with a plan. Sandy will talk to Trinity.
Neighborhood Clean-up: The Neighborhood Clean-up will be held on May 23. At Trinity Church. The entrance is at SE 67th & Clinton. We are asking for volunteers to fill many positions, both beforehand, and the day of the clean-up. The fees are $10 for arm or bike load, $20 for car or tiny truckload, and $30 for truckload, with $5 charged for an additional trailer. Volunteers you can bring in one load for free. Currently, we are unable to accept hazardous waste, contractor loads, or yard debris, but we are working on being able to accept batteries and bulky yard debris. For more information, contact The possibility of fiscal sponsorship will be discussed at the next meeting. Duane expects to be able to get pastry from Grand Central Bakery.
Land Use: There was a good turnout at the Land Use Committee meeting, and a couple of land use issues were discussed. There have been a lot of new projects on 52nd that the Committee will investigate, as they have an impact on the South Tabor neighborhood. Winco is going through a land use review for the Food 4 Less property. The timeline remains uncertain.
The Franklin High School Modernization Project was discussed.  STNA has filed a couple of appeals in the last several months, and PPS listened, and responded with changes.  The one area where there is still disagreement is the gating of the path from Woodward to Division.  It is our understanding that the gates will only be locked from 11PM – 6AM, and during school lockdowns.
MOTION: Duane made a motion and Brenda seconded the motion to make a formal appeal regarding the Franklin High School Modernization Project to make sure the community continues to have access from Division Street to Woodward via the sidewalks that are there and/or will be developed unless there is written assurances regarding the opening and closing and public access. If that is forthcoming STNA can rescind its appeal in writing.
MOTION: Duane made a motion and Rose seconded that STNA make a $500.00 monetary donation to the Division Design Initiative, and to designate Sandra Hay Madgaleno as STNA’s representative to the DDI.  The motion was approved with one abstention. The Division Design Initiative was developed in response to community concerns over recent development impacts experienced throughout Portland neighborhoods. Division in particular has experienced significant change in character and scale in a very short time with at least 8 large new construction projects built over the last 24 months. The Initiative aims to develop design overlays and design guidelines, to help inform future development patterns along Division, with the technical consultation of Design+Culture Lab and Urbsworks, that would hopefully be embedded in current policy frameworks. For more information, visit: or email:
Newsletter: There will be a meeting on Sunday to edit the newsletter. It was agreed that 3,000 copies of the newsletter would provide enough copies to distribute by mail and be placed in the kiosks. There has been a lot of positive feedback on what to put on the Facebook page, and on the “Meet Your Neighbor” feature. There was a discussion on what should be included on the list serve, and it was suggested that a policy should be developed.
Harvest Fest: In the interest of time, discussion of the Harvest Fest was tabled until the next meeting.
Jade District:  Jade district:  There will be an upcoming meeting on Monday, which will be the first of five meetings. The steering committee will be discussing the furniture building project at 82nd and division.  This building was purchased by Metro as part of their Transit Oriented Development (TOD) program.  Please look at documents downloaded to the website for more information and to comment.  Please contact for more information, suggestions or concerns.
MOTION: Motion made, seconded and approved the 2.19.15 minutes as amended.
SNTA elections will be held in May. There is an opening for President, which is a two year term which is voted upon on un-even years. Other offices are Treasurer, SE Uplift Land Use and SE Uplift…… which will be for one year until the even year term election happens in May of 2016.
MOTION: A motion was made and seconded to extend the meeting by 10 minutes. Motion carried with no abstentions or nays.
Discussion was tabled on the 2015 calendar.
MOTION: A motion was made, seconded and approved to adjourn the meeting at 8:40pm.
The next meeting will be held on April 16, at 7 pm, at Trinity Church.

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