Present: Duane Hanson – President, Tin Le – Treasurer, Tina Kimmey, George Kepnick,
Lisa Merrill, Ute Munger, Joe Tursi – City of Portland, BES.
Meeting opened at 7:07pm
Welcome and introductions
No Police Officer present to give neighborhood crime report
August Minutes could not be approved – not a complete Quorum present
Treasurer report was given
A new refill for a vandalized kiosk was purchased, misc. expenses for Harvest Fest noted
Harvest Fest: 2 scheduled bands cancelled, Duane & daughter and Trinity Trio still on board.
Mentioned again was that, sadly, there is an influx of Homeless people into more neighborhoods, incl. S. Tabor, due to the recent evacuation of from the Springwater corridor.
Joe T. gave detailed report on Richmond-S. Tabor Sewer projects regarding scheduling and varied work to be done starting in July 2017. At this time everything is still in Planning and Review.
Lisa M. is having a special situation with the location of the sewer on her property and a previously, undisclosed Right-away for the City of Portland. She is in constant communication with the City (Rhetta ?) but is currently not successful with any progress to her satisfaction. She recently had her backyard landscaped at great expense which is scheduled to be dug up for the above mentioned sewer repair/replacement.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm
Next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 20, 2016 at 7pm, address as above
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