May 21st, 2015 STNA general meeting minutes

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South Tabor Neighborhood Association Meeting
May 21, 2015
In Attendance: Sandra Hay Magdaleno, Duane Hanson, Rose Hart, Jana Throckmorton, Ute Munger, Christian Harvey, Shem Harding, Brenda Reddaway, Ethan Krow, Jack Polales, Kimm Fox-Middleton, Ashe Urban, Alexandra Parker, Lindsay Schafer.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00.
A Better Oregon: Ethan Krow and Jack Polales spoke about the goals of A Better Oregon, which are to increase funding to schools and community services through ballot measures that increase taxes on large and out of state corporations. Oregon has one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the country, and by raising the minimum corporate tax rate, could still remain competitive in attracting business while investing in schools and services to people in need. For more information, email
Franklin High School Updates: Plans for the modernization of Franklin High School are moving forward. Students will finish the year at Franklin, and will attend school at the Marshal campus, during the two years Franklin is under construction. The school will officially be known as Franklin High School at the Marshal Campus. Construction begins this summer, and will cause increased traffic in the surrounding area. Efforts are being made to notify neighborhood residents. The need to more effectively inform residents of upcoming changes was discussed. More information can be found at
A Pioneer High School class will be moving to the Holladay Annex. It is being cleaned up, and district staff will be begin moving in at the end of May. Others will move in at the end of August. Staff meeting will be held at the Kellogg school building.
2015 Clean Up: Planning for the South Tabor Neighborhood Clean Up is going smoothly. The Clean Up will be held Saturday, May 23rd, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, at Trinity Fellowship Church. Pizzicato will not be donating pizza this year. Instead, we will order from Papa Murphy’s. The need to set a donation amount for Trinity was discussed. The church has been very generous in providing meeting space, and staff support during the Clean Up.
Motion: Brenda Reddaway made a motion to donate $200 Trinity Church. The motion was seconded by Jana Throckmorton, and was carried unanimously.
Jade District: The Furniture Store Development Committee met and discussed values. Connectedness to the community was emphasized. Questions for the developer will be formulated during the next meeting. Metro owns the building, but the space is being leased by APANO for the next two years. The building, which is now known as the Jade/APANO Multicultural Space (JAMS), is a multi-use space and is open for use by community groups. It will be used as a beer garden during the Night Market, on August 15 and August 25. The Night Market will be held at the PCC campus, across Division. Possible long term uses for JAMS were discussed, and a suggestion was made to approach PCC about sharing parking space, after class hours.
Land Use Report: The City of Portland seeks to disconnect the Mt Tabor reservoirs from the distribution system. The case will be heard by the City Council, on May 28, at 2:00pm at City Hall-2221 SW 4th Ave, room 130. STNA has drafted a letter stating opposition to disconnecting the reservoirs, and support of the appeal filed by the Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association.
Motion: Brenda made a motion to submit the letter of support into the public record, and Duane seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously.
A second letter was drafted expressing opposition to changing the environmental zoning laws so that a propane export terminal can be built in north Portland. South Tabor is joining other neighborhood associations in opposing the terminal.
Motion: Shem Harding moved that SNTA submit the letter to the city council. Ute Munger seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
It was also mentioned that the mayor and the city of Portland may seek funding to conduct a comprehensive review and update of the city’s single-dwelling zone development standards. This is an issue which could directly affect the South Tabor neighborhood. Although the project is not funded, at this point, a lot of concern was expressed about of lots being split. The review would be conducted by the Bureau of Planning & Sustainability, and would address concerns such as height restrictions, skinny lots, solar setbacks, and flexibility in types of homes allowed on lots, and other issues.
Communications Report: Anything that needs to be put out on the website should be sent to Brenda.
Harvest Festival: The Harvest Festival will be held on Sunday, September 13, from noon to 4:00 pm. It will be the sixth successful festival that STNA has held at Trinity Church. Ashe Urban has drawn up three different logos for the Harvest Festival, and distributed them during the meeting, for input. Small fliers will soon be available to pass out.
Motion: Duane made a motion to approve the minutes for February, March, and April, which Christian seconded. The minutes were approved.
Motion: Shem moved to extend the meeting to 8:40, for elections. Duane seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
Duane Hanson was nominated for President, and Sandra for Treasurer. She also agreed to officially serve as Secretary. Lindsay Schafer was nominated as SEUL Land Use & Transportation Rep.
Motion: Brenda moved that we vote on the entire election state. Christian Harvey seconded the motion. The new officers were voted in unanimously.
Motion: Ute moved to adjourn the meeting, and Duane seconded it. The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 pm.

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