March 7th, 2017 Special STNA Meeting Minutes

March 7, 2017 Comments Off on March 7th, 2017 Special STNA Meeting Minutes

Special Board Meeting, Tuesday, 3/7/17
Written by Sandra Hay Magdaleno, Secretary STNA 3/7/17, Approved 3/16/17

Board Present: Duane Hanson, George Kepnick, Sandra Hay Magdaleno

Members Present: John Carr, Stacie Greer, Diane Amico

Called to order 7:08pm

Motion: To Appoint John Carr as SEUPLift Land Use and Transportation Representative and Tina Kimmy as SEUL Delegate made by Sandra Hay Magdaleno, Seconded by George Kepnick. Approved unanimously. No abstentions.

Next the proposed letter to Leon Capital, Jake, for the development of the 7 Dees site on 62nd and SE Powell was reviewed and discussed. This letter was presented by the land use committee after several meetings on the issues at hand. Three was time for Q&A. No changes were made to the wording.

Motion: To approve the letter as written to Leon Capital regarding the 7Dees development was made by Sandra, seconded by John with the change to 3500. Motion approved unanimously. No abstentions.

Motion: To approve the pictures as changed made by Sandra Hay Magdaleno, seconded by George. Passed unanimously with no abstentions. Duane will email and send a hard copy to Leon Capital. The people cc’d are: Marty Stockton, Alissa Keny-Guyer, Joan Fredrickson, Tammy born king, Shawn Morgan with Foster Powell NA, George will publish on, nextdoor, and facebook.

There was some discussion regarding communications. Areas of concern are: What avenues to use. FB, listserv, NextDoor, website…. ; How to meet needs of non tech people; How to make the listserv more useable.

Motion: To end the meeting made at 8:28pm by George and seconded by Sandy. Approved unanimously with no abstentions.

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