March 15th, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

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STNA Meeting, Thursday, March 15, 2018
Written by Sandra Hay Magdaleno, Secretary

Board Present: Duane Hanson, President, Sandra Hay Magdaleno, Secretary & Sustainability, Ute Munger, Treasurer, Tina Kimmey, SEUPlift Delgate, John Carr, SEUplift Land Use Chair

Members Present: Ron and Margie Chambers, Jeff Christennsen, Greg Greer, Therese Miller, Bill Kittlar

Guests Present: Juliet Pursell with PSU

Duane Hanson, President opened the meeting with introductions at 8:05pm.

Secretaries Report: February 2018 minutes were reviewed.

MOTION: Duane MOVED to approve with the February 2018 minutes with corrections for typo and spelling errors as discussed. Tina seconded. Minutes were approved unanimously.

Treasurers Report: Ute Munger, Treasurer gave us the balance of our funds as of 3/31/18 of $4,589.82. An outstanding bill of $100 for the purchase of a print card for printing costs will be added/subtracted. We also discussed having an annual budget that will be brought before the board in April for review, revision and possible approval. We left off discussion for later in the evening to welcome our guest.

Next, Juliet Pursell with the Adult Basic Education (ABE) Program at PCC spoke and encouraged all to attend or reach out to people of all ages who could benefit from Adult Basic Education. 66% of future jobs will require education beyond high school. The State of Oregon has a mandate of 40/40/20 by 2025 where 100% of adults of all ages and nationalities are educated with 40% BA or better, 40% AA or some higher education and the remaining 20% graduates of high school level. Our Oregon high school graduation rate is 77% and the goal is to be above 90%. The ABE program has a wide range of classes in many different subjects. There are the core classes on math, reading and writing as well as many other subjects including science, social studies and more. If someone is on OHP, SNAP or the dislocated worker program, classes are free. If not, classes are very affordable ranging from $35 to $135 per quarter.

Next on the agenda was to be someone from Friends of Trees regarding the Invasive wood program. The person was unable to attend and was tabled until further notice.

Next there was some additional discussion on the Lenny D Initiative, more formally called, the Portland Climate Action Community Benefits Initiative. To summarize, the Initiative request a 1% tax on very large retailers with the money going towards renewable energy and training workers in Oregon to do the work. This initiative will be on the fall 2018 ballot. Please go to: for specific details.

MOTION: Tina moved to approve the letter of support for the Lenny D initiative and Sandy seconded. After a little more discussion the motion was approved with 2 abstentions.

More neighbors are preparing for things like a big quake through the NET (Neighborhood Emergency Teams.) The City of Portland has great videos and training programs. For more information go to: Also look for the American Red Cross training programs. They are awesome too. Erica, Anet, Ute, Sandra, Jana and a few others in the neighborhood are currently attending the NET trainings. The next Ttaborvilla NET meeting is Tuesday, 3/20/18 at 61st and Stark PBEEM. Also look for additional meetings via the website at, Facebook page and Next Door. If you would like to be on the email list, please email:

Duane asked us to Mark our calendars:

  1. Street Clean-up scheduled for May 19, 2018 from 10am to 2pm with more details to come in the May Issue.
  2. Celebrate the life of Dave Etchpare, the 7 Dees manager of 27 years, on July 8, 2018. He was a great neighbor who regularly supported STNA and other neighborhood organizations in many ways. Details will be published as they become known.

It was noted that we got a nice thank you note and 2 seats to the Franklin High School Auction.

Next discussions came from the Land Use Committee.

  1.  It was mentioned that the City of Portland has mandated 5% across the board budget cuts. Local communities may be affected by community center and fire station closures. There is full discussion at SEUplift on the budget as well as numerous other places around the city. There may be some reconfiguring of the fire maps. We will give additional information as it becomes available.
  2. A quick review of the Kellogg Middle School project: demolition has started and bate stations have been placed in abundance as the school comes down.
  3. We discussed the Design Commission’s tentative decision from earlier in the day (3/15) to deny STNA’s appeal of the design review approval of the proposed 900-unit self-service storage building at SE 62nd and SE Powell (former 7 Dees nursery site). The commission added a number of conditions of approval, including directing truck traffic exiting the facility to turn right towards SE Powell and requiring an additional setback on the west side along the bordering residential zone. A hearing is set for 4/19/18 for the Design Commission to render its final decision. Any appeal of that decision would go before the Land Use Board of Appeals. We will continue to update you as more information becomes available.
  4. MOTION: A motion to approve a letter to City Council in support of the Code Reconciliation Project Recommended Draft, specifically the changes to the Self-Service Storage zoning code was made by Duane Hanson and seconded by Tina Kimmey. Unanimously approved. To read more, go to
  5. MOTION: Tina moved and Sandy seconded a motion to approved the costs of parking downtown for the appeals meeting with the Land Use Commissioners downtown regarding the 900 unit Self Storage project on 62nd and SE Powell. Approved with one abstention.
  6. Next we had an update from the land use committee on the presentation they heard from Portland for Everyone. AT the land use committee meeting they presented their support of the Residential Infill Project. For more information on Portland for Everyone go to: ( and for the Residential Infill Project go to: (

Next we finished the treasurers report with a discussion and decision to close the bank account and open a new one.

MOTION: Sandy made a motion and Duane seconded the motion requesting our treasurer, Ute Munger to close the current bank account and open a new one. Over the past couple of years with no treasurer we’re missing some check books. There have been no mis-uses, but this would just make sure that nothing could happen. Motion approved unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm by Duane Hanson.

All neighbors are invited to our next neighborhood association meetings:
Land Use Meeting, Tuesday, 4/17/18 and STNA Meeting, Thursday, 4/19/18, both at 7:00pm at Trinity Fellowship, 2700 SE 67th, with entrance from the parking in the rear. See you there.

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