STNA Board Meeting 6/15/17 13 people present + small child
Written by Sandra Hay Magdaleno, Secretary, Approved 8/17/17
Board Present: Duane Hansen, President, Tina Kimmey, SEUPlift Delegate, George Kepnick, Communications Chair, Sandra Hay Magdaleno, Secretary and Sustainability Chair
Members Present: Kyla Evanka and Ray, new neighbors., Dick Gearson 39th and Tibbits Dean Winter – Council President from St. Marks Lutheran church on 55th and Powell, Diane Betcher- Neighborhood member and City of Portland retiree and Teresa neighbor.
Guests: Dante with the Coalition for Healthy Kids and Joe Tursi for City of Portland Sewer Repairs,
Dean from St Mark, who is president of the church council, spoke first. They wanted us to know St. Marks has an extensive food pantry that feeds over 150 people/mo. They need volunteers for all aspects of the food pantry. They also have childrens clothes closet for newborns and adolescence once/month. They also have a Community Food Basket once/mo. For $5 you can take as much food as you want. They support numerous other groups in SE for community involvement. They are active in the community at large as well as faith-groups. They have the Montesori Preschool and have English, Mandarin language social and faith-based groups and classes. They would like to work with the neighborhood association in any way that they can. They want us to know they have space and people and like interests to work together. They do a Community Fair with the city and do other informational group events for the neighbors. Their website is have other for information groups available. Website is:
Joe Tursi with City of Portland Sewer Project came forward next. They have finalized the plan and after community input have moved some of the nightwork to day work. So that we had a better understanding he explained that open trench work indicated brand new lines. Pipe lining is creating a new pipe within an old pipe. There would be pipe bursting on Caesar Chavez. Most areas of work would be affected for 2 weeks or less. Some of our pipes are 90 years old and the most critical are being done now. All services, water and sewer, will be working almost all the time for most areas. There are a few exceptions and the people affected will be notified.
If you are an homeowner who is not currently connected to the sewer or is sharing a line, you will have 6 months to get hooked up to the sewer once the line is repaired/fixed and completed. Homeowners must connect at least 7 feet below the sidewalk. Joe works with Public Involvement which is a liaison group that coordinates with the city and the public. Generally, there will be 3 weeks’ notice by email and 2 weeks by mail for affected property owners. City Inspectors will be onsite or nearby at all times to answer and address any issues. The longest wait or interruption to or you’re your property in most cases shouldn’t be more than 10-15 minutes to get a steal plate over a hole. Joe or someone else will be at our Harvest Festival on September if you need any additional questions. Also the primary contact person is Debbie Caselton: or 503-823-2831, or write to: Debbie Caselton, Environmental Services, 1120 SW 5th Ave., Suite 1000, Portland, OR 97204
Dante Haruna spoke next on Coalition for Healthy Kids and Education: There is a ballet measure that will be foth coming in November 2017 that would bring $28.4 million into Multnomah County per year. It is a measure requesting a tax on distribution of soda’s and sugary drinks. There has been big rise of diabetes and heart disease in our nation and in our children with the over assumption of sugar. As an example the Soda Tax in Berkley, CA in 2014 was instituted at $.01/oz. The soda tax was added in numerous other areas around the country and has been established in Mexico and Saudi Arabia. Soda taxes have been found to reduce sugary beverage consumption by 10% overall with a 20% reduction in over users.
The bill will be asking for $.015/oz. or $2.16 for every 12 pack. In general there is no overall impact on businesses as they have found that the tax just shifts the dollars spent on soda over to water, juice and milk products. Sugary sports drinks, energy drinks, iced coffees, syrups and juices that are not 100% juice will all be taxed. Diet sodas will be taxed. The monies will go into a Children’s Fund. No more than 5% can go to administration which is to be done by the county tax people. Another 50% will be set aside for early childhood education and early literacy programs. Organizations and existing programs will apply for the funds through a grant process. County commissioners will oversee the program with a county commissioner advisory committe. The other 50% will go towards general children’s health initiatives on nutrition, school gardens and playgrounds. The Coalition for Healthy Kids and Education is looking for additional groups to endorse and grow the coalition.
MOTION: Duane made a motion to approve a STNA letter of endorsement and advocacy. George seconded. It was approved unanimously after some additional discussion for points of understanding.
MOTION: A motion was made by Sandra and seconded by Tina to extend the meeting as needed. Approved unanimously.
MOTION: A motion was made by Sandra and seconded by George to approve the Treasurer’s report with a current bank account of $5,670.27 and a check for $50 being sent to the Secretary of State for the CT-12 annual report for community organizations and a check to the Red Cross of $131 which matched the agreement and exact amount of cash brought from the Emergency Preparedness Event. Motion carried unanimously.
Duane reported that the Division Litter Pickup was a great success with 460 of fast food rappers, dead rats, syringes and other garbage on our streets were collected by around 24 people. Division 82nd to 52nd as well as Woodward, Powell and 72nd and 62nd and some other streets were completed. Solve provided much support as well as PCC many in our neighborhood.
MOTION: George made a motion that was seconded by Tina to reimburse Duane for expenses for treats etc for volunteers out of our communications fund budget as well as reimbursing Sandra for the payment she made for the required one year of website hosting and domain registration. Motion carried unanimously.
MOTION: A motion was made to re-elect Duane Hanson to second term as President of STNA by Tina. It was seconded by George. That platform of Duane as President was voted in unanimously.
Remember, Harvest Festival this year is Sunday, 9/10/17 from noon to 4pm. It will again be held at Trinity Fellowship. Of course, there will be fresh pressed cider, corn, face painting, sharing and trading of plants, tools, fruit and vegetables, healthy choices, etc. SEE YOU THERE!
MOTION: A motion was made at 8:50pm to adjourn by Duane and seconded by George. Approved unanimously.
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