STNA Board Meeting 4/20/17
Written by Sandra Hay Magdaleno 4/20/17, Revised 5/9/17, Revised and Approved 5/16/17
Board Present: Duane Hanson, George Kepnick, Sandra Hay Magdaleno, Tina Kimmey,
Members Present: Joan Fredrickson, Nicki Todd, Mary Carter, Ute Munger, Steve Gould, Kathy Gould, Chip Sedbuck, Nate Canfield and Susanne
Guests Present: ?????????
Meeting called to order at 7:04pm on Thursday 4/20/17. Amended and Approved 5/16/17
Treasurer’s report $5,723.27 as of today. CT-12 Check written for $50.00, but not yet sent in.
Land Use Report: In regard to the 7Dees 62nd and SE Powell proposed New Development, there is a scheduled process through the city once the official review begins. If the NA wants to appeal there is a short period to do so once a decision is rendered. If the NA appeal, they can do so with the waived fee. Cassandra Ballew, Planner can be contacted via John Carr to keep track of where the project is going. Ute would like to be on the committee emails. The land use committee will most likely call a special meeting to discuss this in further detail.
MOTION: TO APPROVE THE STNA 3-STEP NOTIFICATION AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PROCESS FOR COMMERCIAL, MIXED USE AND MULTIFAMILY PROJECTS AS AMENDED. Motion made by Duane, seconded by George. After additional discussion, the Amended 3-Step Process was approved unanimously. No abstentions.
At the last Land Use Committee Meeting, there was a guest speaker on Rent controls whereby proposed legislation would allow these issues to be decided at city levels instead of at state levels, with the possible elimination of no cause evictions and addressing affordable units. It was noted that many lots and developments are being done by foreign investors who would likely never set foot in Oregon and the possible problems that could cause. There was no request to support or not. Informational only at this time.
There was continued discussion of the local “Nuisance” house. The police did raid the house and 6 arrests were made along with adult and family services being brought in. The neighbors who have been living with this for many, many months applauded the police for their efforts. They are pleased that the activity has quieted down a bit. It is still going on at a lower level. Typically, this happens for a few weeks, then, illegal activities increase to high levels again. Police intervene; things slow down for up to 6 weeks and then ramp up again. The neighbors are now seeking legal counsel to file a law suit. Officers said there are 100’s of these homes in Portland. The police just do not have the person power to deal with the issues at hand. The neighbors did appreciate the STNA letter that was sent to city officials and others to address the situation.
Duane went through a training on homelessness and spoke to local police force through Sergeant Randy Teig In the past the NRT team had 10 officers and is down to only 3 addressing these “nuisance” homes. He would look into the issue where a neighbor was arrested after the “nuisance” people harassed and punched him and he discharged his firearm into the ground.
Next, please remember the Division Litter Clean-up with pizza party afterwards is Saturday, 6/10/17, at 10am. Meet at the Headquarters at Division Dental on SE 76th and Division to get the street cleaning supplies and directions.
The Emergency Preparedness Workshop will be held, Saturday, 5/13/17 from noon to 4pm at 3645 SE 32nd, 1 block S of Powell. There is a suggested donation of $5 at the door to cover food costs with the remainder, with any left over monies going to the Red Cross of Oregon.
MOTION: To approve $300 for the pizza party at the end of the June litter pickup. Motion made by Duane, seconded by George. Approved unanimously. No abstentions.
It was noted that there are several new demolition projects at 3009 SE 77th Av and 2829 SE 75th. Also there is a new AIRBNB at 3311 SE 62nd. Please note as well, there is another Self Storage development happening at 2922 SE 82nd, which will be a 3 story 89,968 sq. ft. building.
MOTION: TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:18PM. Motion made by Duane, seconded by Tina and passed unanimously with no abstentions.
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