April 18, 2019 Meeting Minutes

May 17, 2019 Comments Off on April 18, 2019 Meeting Minutes

April 18, 2019 7pm, South Tabor Neighborhood Association General April Meeting

Board Members in attendance: President Duane Hanson; Land Use Chair Marcelle Thurston, Treasurer Ute Munger, Communications Chair Pete Forsyth, SE Uplift Delegate/Interim secretary Tina Kimmey

Neighborhood members attendance: Mary Karter, Juan Cummings, Doug Beebe, Ben Chatterton

Guests: Brian Wong, Gay Wong, Samantha Wong, Jo Jo Wong

Speaker Brian Wong, 82nd Ave Improvement Coalition, speaking on ‘Safe Community Highways’. 

Pete motions for South Tabor to add our support to HB 2846 

Marcelle 2nds the motion. Unanimous vote in favor. 

Duane puts forth a motion to the board to appoint Juan Cummings to be our new secretary & Ben Chatterton to hold the position of Vice President.

Ute 2nds the motion and the vote is unanimous in support.

Duane motions to support Mt. Tabor Yard Long Block and Multimodal Path Good Neighbor Agreement. Ben 2nds the motion and it unanimously passes. 

Land Use committee update: Woodward; corner ramp construction currently being built, paving on Woodward planned for September; speed bumps 52nd -62nd should occur between July 2019- June 2020; Collecting signatures for PBOT to add slow down signs along area of concern.

Treasurer’s report: Current balance to $4,205.54

Asking for $150 for starting cash for the Pancake Breakfast April 27th.

Copy amount is low, we need $ for more copies.

Tina motions to approve $150 cash bank for the Pancake Breakfast, the purchase of a $100 copy card & to approve the treasurer’s report Juan 2nds. Unanimously approved.

Adjourned 8:16pm

Minutes approved as read, May 16, 2019.
—Pete Forsyth, Communications Chair, STNA

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