Speakers from Friends of Portland Community Gardens announced that following the adoption of a new master plan for the Mt. Tabor Nursery, a 15,000 square foot community garden will open at the east end of Lincoln by the entrance to the park. Funds are being raised for a tool shed, fencing and bike parking. STNA has voted to write a letter in support of this newest garden and help with fundraising.
Neighbors are invited to participate in our annual Neighborhood Cleanup on Saturday, May 28th. For more details look for the ad in the SE Examiner. Put this event on your agenda now and consider volunteering.
South Tabor businesses are invited to sponsor the August 20th “Movie in the Park.” Contact info@southtabor.org if you are interested.
Join us at the STNA meeting every third Thursday of the month at 7 PM at Trinity Fellowship.
Click here to view the minutes from our April 21st, 2011 General Meeting.
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